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Best Breakfast For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain

Best Breakfast For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain

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What is the Best Breakfast For Weight Loss And Muscle Gain?

Obesity is the new American epidemic. Even the network evening news has focused upon this problem. It's time for everyone to focus on diet to avoid a general health and medical crisis in this country. The emphasis on diet, at least on those popularly touted by advertisers, is on speed of weight loss. Everyone is looking for a way to lose weight quickly, but weight loss usually doesn't occur that way. Instant weight loss is a myth, but there are ways to lose weight over time and to keep it off. It's a matter of developing new habits including finding the best diet to gain muscle.
Any good program for dieting must be simple, nutritionally balanced, and include a method for converting stored body fat to energy. One plan that has proven to be successful is to change from the traditional three big meals each day to six or seven smaller meals to keep the body's metabolism more evenly stabilized.


The best diet to gain muscle and lose fat requires a good breakfast. The first meal of the day should include one portion of lean protein. This could consist of from four to six scrambled egg whites or a serving of low fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, or cottage cheese. About four ounces of chicken or turkey is also an excellent choice. High protein soy products are also excellent especially for vegetarians and vegans. One portion of fruit of a complex carbohydrate should also be included. Fresh fruit, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereals are a good choice. About one cup of any of these should be sufficient. You can also include as many non-starchy vegetables that you want, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, and mushrooms.

Mid-morning Snack

A good mid-morning snack can be as simple as a piece of fresh fruit; an apple or banana. An ounce of nuts is also perfect for the mid-morning; walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or almonds are tasty and nutritious. A couple of tablespoons of natural peanut butter is also a good choice.


This is a good time to load up with the good stuff. The best diet to gain muscle mass includes one portion of lean protein like cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, or a lean meat such as chicken or turkey. This should be supplemented by a piece of fresh fruit, not canned fruit with its high sugary syrup. And don't forget a cup of some sort of complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, a baked potato or sweet potato. Non-starchy vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and salad greens can fill whatever voids are left.

Mid-afternoon Snack
Mid-afternoon is a good time for a protein boost; about one portion. Supplement this with some non-starchy vegetables and, if needed, a fat-free dressing.


This is a great time to enjoy larger portion of protein - two portion of a lean protein, any of the above suggestions will be fine. Accompany this with as much non-starchy vegetables as you can eat; broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and salad greens are great. Avoid butter and high fat dressings. Vinegars are excellent for salad greens.
This recommended weight loss diet will undoubtedly have a positive effect upon your weight. If you do not lose as much weight as you would expect to, don't eat less - exercise more. If you should reduce what you eat, cut back on the carbs, but not the protein. Protein is building muscle. It's the fat that you want to shed.
